How to Set Up Voicemail on Galaxy S23 Easily

Set up voicemail on the Samsung Galaxy S23 is easy. Samsung phones are available on the market with a built-in voicemail feature. This is important to let you send a voice message to others attempting to contact you when you are unable to receive their calls.

set up voicemail on galaxy s23

Samsung gives a different name for this feature. It is known as visual voicemail where you can visually find and then play the voicemail messages. By using the visual voicemail, you will able to check a list of all the received voicemails and then play the one you want at any time.

If you have recently bought a new Samsung S23 and you want to set up visual voicemail, this article will cover your needs.

Set up Voicemail on Galaxy S23 by Calling Voicemail Service

The easiest way to set up voicemail on Galaxy S23 is by calling the voicemail service. It is like a shortcut and you can try this method by following the steps below:

  • Launch your device’s app with the default keypad view on the display.
  • Press and then hold the “1” key. You will call Voicemail.

set up visual voicemail on samsung s23

  • If the call is connected, choose the language preference.
  • If it is your first experience, you must set up a voicemail password between 4 to 10 digits. But, if you have a voicemail box, enter the voicemail password.
  • Now, choose the preferred greeting or record your personal voicemail for greeting.

Setting Up Voicemail on Samsung using Voicemail Settings

Another way how to set up voicemail on Galaxy S23 is by using voicemail settings. Well, this method is a little bit complicated but can be a common way to set up your voicemail.

You can see a set menu in this device app to access the voicemail settings. After that, follow the steps below:

Before starting to set up your voicemail, prepare the voicemail number first. It will help you to access the voicemail. The number of your voicemail depends on the country or on the service provider.

add voicemail number on samsung s23

  • Launch the Phone app, and then choose the keypad tab. Press the 3 dots and choose Settings. Search for Voicemail and tap on it. Continue by tapping on the “Voicemail number”. Copy the green number in the “Voicemail Number” label, and you can use it for your voicemail service.

save voicemail number samsung s23

  • Now, go back to the phone dial pad. After that, dial the copied number.
  • You have your voicemail running right now. But, you still need to set up a personalized greeting.

Once completed the mentioned setup above, you must set up a voicemail password. To start, record and then set it up as your new voicemail greeting by following the tutorial below:

  • Dial the voicemail number you have copied or saved.
  • If you do the set up for the first time, you must create a new password.
  • Follow the instruction so you can navigate through the menu. Continue by recording your personal greeting.

That is the complete tutorial on how to set up voicemail on Galaxy S23. Your personal greeting has now been activated!

To receive voice messages, you need to divert your calls to your voicemail. Here’s how:

  • Press the phone icon from your home screen.

call forwarding samsung s23

  • Select the menu icon by tapping three dot on your top right screen the select settings.
  • Find Supplementary services and select it.

divert calls on samsung s23

  • Press Call forwarding then select forward when unanswered.
  • Add your carriers voicemail number and press Enable.
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9 thoughts on “How to Set Up Voicemail on Galaxy S23 Easily”

    • It’s not based on the number of rings, it’s based on time in seconds, and that is controlled by your cellular carrier. You can change how long your mobile is set to ring before going to voicemail from 5 to 30 seconds, to access the settings you need to contact your carrier.


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